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令和6年度 高等学校案内パンフレットアップしました

R6東桜学館高校 学校案内






今大会から全国大会への予選会が開催されることになったグローバル・クラスルーム主催の模擬国連。その予選会は9 月 17 日(土)、18 日(日)、24 日(土)、25 日(日)の4日間のうち、1日参加し、それぞれおおよそ80ペアの大使から6〜7ペアの大使が全国大会へ出場できるというものです。本校からは25日に高校2年次の2大使(2ペア)が参加しました。この模擬国連の使用言語は公式言語(議事進行・公式討議・決議案)は英語、非公式言語(非公式討議)が日本語で行われます。オンラインで開催された予選会の議題は「グローバリゼーションと相互依存:国際移住と開発」で、本校の大使はギリシアとリビアと割り振られました。予選会の前にPosition and Policy Paper (PPP,言語は日本語)を提出し、それぞれの国の大使として、国益を守りながら、国際的な課題(予選では非正規移民、コロナの影響など)について、他国の大使と議論し、決議案(DR,言語は英語)を作成していく流れです。


PPPと1日の議論と行動を精査され、結果としては本校のギリシャ大使(髙橋駿輔・齋藤桃)の二人が11月12日、13日に国連大学(東京・渋谷)で行われる全日本大会に出場することが決まりました。全日本の本選では、議題が「多国籍企業及び社会政策に関する原則の三者宣言(以下、多国籍企業宣言)」の第 6 回改定」です。二人の健闘を期待します。


東北六県英語弁論大会 森ありささん(2年次)が3位入賞!















“Here I Am, Again”

MORI Arisa from Touohgakkan S. H. S.

“Isn’t it unfair for a ‘haafu’ student to participate in an English Speech Contest?”

That’s what I heard myself when I took part in an English Recitation Contest. The moment I heard the voice, all the efforts I had made suddenly turned to dust, and I regretted being there. As you know, ‘haafu’ means biracial and I am one.

My father is a Pakistani who speaks Urdu, the national language of Pakistan, and Japanese. The only language we can communicate in is Japanese. I’ve never been to other countries, not to mention Pakistan. How can it be unfair for me to study English and participate in an English Recitation Contest?

My older sister, on the other hand, has been to Pakistan once, and she told me she had been called ‘a foreigner’ there. Sure enough, we are regarded as “foreign” no matter where we are, and we often wonder who we are. Such identity questions often occur in biracial youth in Japan, and the prejudice hurts us more often than you can imagine. Nevertheless, the attitudes of pure Japanese sometimes confuse me.

Some Japanese are racial purists. For example, Hachimura Rui, Osaka Naomi, and other athletes are mostly admired, but at the same time, it is certain that there are many Japanese people who feel it strange to accept them as Japanese. In fact, many people tweeted they are not Japanese, mainly because they look like foreigners.

On the other hand, other Japanese long for biracial people. This early summer, an advertisement of a kimono shop, Ginza Iseyoshi, was inundated with complaints on the Internet. The poster had a sales copy that read “For those who want to give birth to ‘haafu’ children.” Surprisingly, the copy writer, SHIMIZU Masako, was awarded a new face award for this sales copy by Tokyo Copy Writers Club. The owner of Iseyoshi is also a woman. The two women agreed on the disgusting copy, and the copy writers association awarded it.

This copy insults Japanese parents with biracial children, like my mother, because it implies that they gave birth for their desire to have a biracial child, not as a result of love. This copy insults the parents in Japan who have other cultural backgrounds, like my father, because it implies they can be seduced easily with kimono. This copy insults Japanese women, like you in this hall, because it implies they use Japanese culture to seduce foreign guys. Finally, this copy insults ‘haafu’ in Japan, like me, because it implies we were born by our mothers seducing foreign men with the desire to have a biracial child.

The adoration for international marriage among Japanese people should be looked at with caution. According to a recent survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the divorce rate of Japanese couples was about 30%, while the one of international marriages was about 60%. This clearly shows how difficult it is to make a happy marriage last regardless of cultural differences.

Now, it is easy for me to understand why my parents had trouble getting married. I’ve heard my grandmother was strongly against the marriage of my parents. It was less common than now for Japanese women to get married to foreign men, especially in rural areas like my hometown. Many people around my parents often shot a skeptical look at my parents. Some people even expressed nasty words to them. All the same, despite the hardships of international marriage, my parents always look happy.   Isn’t it amazing? So I asked her why she could get over her hardship. She just smiled and said, “Because I love him.” Just that! If you love someone, it doesn’t matter where he or she was born.

All of this led me to this stage. The irrational adoration or prejudice of Japanese can bring misery, but true desire to know others and love for others can bring happiness.

Now I don’t care if you think it unfair for me to make a speech here. I have something to say to you and I am here. Listen without prejudice, and look at others without wearing colored glasses.

Thank you for listening.



ユネスコ・スクールとはユネスコの理想を実現するための教育・研究・交流活動を行う学校で、日本国内では1,149校(2018年7月現在)の幼稚園、小・中・高等学校及び教員養成学校がユネスコスクールに認定され、そのネットワーク(ASPnet;Associated Schools Project Network)を活用しながら持続可能な世界に向けた取り組みを行っています。県内の高校では初の認定校として、今後は探究活動や様々な教育活動で、校内外を問わず取り組みを行っていきますので、ご支援・ご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。