7月19日(金)の午後、2021年から始まった,東北唯一の国際英語プレゼンテーション大会(START2024; ST(udy) A(ssembly)(of) R(esearch) (at) (T(ouohgakkan)の略)を山形県教育委員会の後援のもと、本校が主催し、オンラインと対面のハイブリッド形式で開催されました。
On the afternoon of July 19th (Friday), our school hosted the only international English presentation competition in the Tohoku region for the third time, called START2024 (STudy Assembly of Research at Touohgakkan). The event was held in a hybrid format, with both online and in-person participation, under the sponsorship of the Yamagata Prefectural Board of Education.
This competition involved individual and group research projects conducted by high school students. Participants presented their findings in English for a duration of 10 minutes and underwent a question-and-answer session, with 5 minutes of questions from other teams and judges. The presentations were evaluated, and first and second place winners were recognized in each research theme category.
This year’s participating schools included four schools from overseas: Nonghinwittayakom School (Thailand), Naresuan University Demonstration Secondary School (Thailand), SMKA Kota Kinabalu Secondary School (Malaysia), and National Taipei University of Technology Affiliated Taoyuan Agricultural and Industrial Senior High School (Taiwan). The ones of domestic schools were Hyogo Prefectural Toyooka High School, Tokai University Attached High School Takanawa, Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Science and Technology High School, Niigata Prefectural Shibata High School, Iwate Prefectural Ichinoseki First High School, Akita Prefectural Yokote High School, Miyagi Prefectural Furukawa Reimei High School, Fukushima Prefectural Asaka High School, and Fukushima Prefectural Futaba Mirai Gakuen High School, as well as Yamagata Prefectural Yonezawa Kojokan High School, Sagae High School, Chidokan High School, and Murayama Industrial High School High School.
The judging panels at each venue consisted of two members each, and they are from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tohoku University, Miyagi University of Education, Yamagata University, and Kio University.
The winners are as follows:
- ROOM 1
1st Prize: “Can Killifish Learn Conditioned Reflexes from Other Individuals?”, SHIMAMOTO Takeshi [Toukai Univ.Takanawadai]
- 2nd Prize: “Towards Self-Production of Glycyrrhiza uralensis in Japan : Hydoroponic and Soil Cultivation, and Estimation of Natural Growth Condition”, Ito Kenta,Abe Kota,Isagoda Haruki,Funaki Airi [Asaka High]
- ROOM 2
1st Prize: “Development of the PictoBlox program to warn the endpoint of Bromothymol blue in the chemical titration”, Vatanya Boonchiangma and Charinrat Mueanklang [Nonghinwittayakom]
2nd Prize: “Superiorities of fibroin fiber produced from waste ‘kibiso'”, Toa Narita [Chidokan]
- ROOM 3
1st Prize: “Chemistry Experiments without Chemicals”, Ran Otaka [Tama Science & Technology]
2nd Prize: “Campus Self-driving Car”, Yu-Jun, Jiang Yi-Huan, & Lai Jun-Quan, Zhong [Tao-Yuan Agricultural & Industrial Senior High]
- ROOM 4
1st Prize: “Let’s eat ONOMATOPEIA”, Uzuki Takahashi, [Furukawa Reimei]
2nd Prize: “Unraveling The World Of Malay Language”, Muhammad Faris Iman bin Mohamed Feroz, Syaidatul Athirah binti Shukor, Nur Shasha Aqiilah binti Jupry, Ahmad Khairil Danish bin Mohd Aizam [SMK Agama Kota Kinabalu]
- ROOM 5
1st Prize: “The Effects of Ethics Classes Using Context Shifting”, TAKADA Mio & TAKAHARA Hiroto, [Touohgakkan]
2nd Prize: ”Okitama Gender Innovation ~For All Generations~”, Aoki Mayuko & Suzaki Shiho [Kojokan]

Room1 (Touohgakkan)

Room1 (Naresuan Univ. from Thailand)

Room 2 (with students & teachers from Nonghinwittayakom)

Room 4

Room5 Naresan Univ.

Closing Ceremony